Codes of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Recreational Gymnasts


  • Jewellery is not permitted to be worn during training. For exceptions and full details please click the Jewellery Policy tab.
  • If your child is expected to be away longer than 2 weeks, please let the gym know.
  • Gymnasts should arrive a few minutes before the start of training. It is particularly upsetting for the younger children to arrive after all the others have started. All gymnasts should attend and take part in the warm up. It is an essential part of the training that helps the prevention of injury.
  • Please do not drop off your own, or other children, early to watch the classes unattended. The Gym Club cannot be responsible for these children until they enter the gym.
  • Please ensure you are punctual collecting your children and remind them that they must wait in the building until collected.
  • Please advise the Gym Club of any change of circumstances, i.e. medical, change of address and particularly Mobile Phone No’s.
  • Our coaches wish to maximise coaching time within the gym, therefore if you wish to speak to us about anything to do with the classes, please telephone between 9am – 8pm weekdays.
  • As you can imagine with nearly 2000 people coming through the gym each week, the amount of lost property is substantial. All lost property will be cleared every 2 weeks. Please ensure your child has all their belongings before they go home.
  • A Colchester Gymnast must:

Show respect to coaches, judges, officials and other gymnasts. Follow the instructions of his/her coach quickly and exactly. Support and encourage his/her teammates. Always train with a positive attitude. Train to the best of their ability.  Take care of the Club’s equipment. Take pride in their Club and make sure that they do their part in keeping the gym clean and tidy.

Training (Females)

  • Female gymnasts should wear a one-piece gymnastic leotard (not a swim suit or a dance suit with narrow shoulder straps).
  • Shorts or leggings are permitted to be worn (no skirts).
  • Hair must be neatly tied up, out of the gymnast’s face.
  • Female leotards may be purchased through the club.

Training (Males)

  • Male gymnasts should wear a leotard/T-shirt and shorts.
  • T shirts should be tight fitting for the safety of the gymnast and coach.
  • Male leotards and shorts may be purchased through the club.


New Starter information for Recreational Gymnasts and Trampolinists.

Please note this information is only relevant once you have been offered a place by us.

You will receive a payment request for an annual (Sep-Oct) affiliation to British Gymnastics and Eastern Region Gymnastics. This affiliation fee includes sporting insurance – details of this insurance can be found on You will also need to register your child with British Gymnastics by visiting

We ask that fees be paid in full before your child’s first session.  If there are any problems with payment, please do not hesitate to contact the office at the Gymnastics Club as soon as possible and we will try to accommodate your needs. We use a system called paysubsonline. Please ensure that you log in to your account and update your child’s medical information before their first session. The payment system will chase fees two weeks after the payment request has been sent to you.

Gymnastics Class Attire

For the first two weeks of term we are quite happy for both boys and girls to wear shorts and sports T-shirts/vests.  After this time we advise that they wear leotards as they are safer. They are welcome to wear shorts or leggings over their leotard. Girls’ leotards, and boys’ shorts and leotard sets, can be bought through the Club. Girls’ leotards range from £18-£45 depending on size and style, and boys’ leotard and shorts sets range from £29 to £42 again depending on size and style. Hair should be secured back out of the face.

Trampoline Class Attire

We are happy for your child to wear shorts/ leggings/ tracksuit bottoms and a T shirt/vest. However, we do sell leotards if they would prefer. Girls’ leotards, and boys’ shorts and leotard sets, can be bought through the Club. Girls’ leotards range from £18-£45 depending on size and style, and boys’ leotard and shorts sets range from £29 to £42 again depending on size and style. Hair should be secured back out of the face. Socks must be worn for trampoline lessons.

For all classes we ask that there should be no tassels, buckles, belts, buttons, zips or skirts worn in the Gym during those first few weeks.  We would also like to draw your attention to the British Gymnastics Body Piercing and Adornments policy – which you can find on a tab above.

We hope that this answers any questions you may have, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with the office, from 9am – 8pm Monday-Friday and 9am-4:30pm, if you have any queries.  We are looking forward to seeing you and hope that you enjoy your time at Colchester School of Gymnastics.

Yours faithfully

Kate Fendell & Jessica Hill Heads of Recreational Gymnastics & Louise Sobodu Head of Trampoline


Parent’s Code of Conduct – Competitive


  1. Your child’s wellbeing and happiness is of paramount importance to the Club. Encourage your child to participate, but do not force them.
  2. Parents/Guardians must ensure their child is fit to participate in gymnastics activity. Any child having any illness should refrain from training for 48 hours following the last episode.
  3. Parents/Guardians must ensure their child is dressed appropriately for the activity.
  4. Children learn best by example. The club promotes an environment where children are praised for their efforts, not just their performance and achievements. Parents are asked to promote this ethos, and likewise respect the decisions of club officials and coaches.
  5. The Club takes a zero-tolerance approach towards any person who engages in adverse or negative comment/behaviour regarding coaches, staff or gym users. Anyone responsible for this behaviour will receive a warning; repeated behaviour may result in exclusion from the Club.
  6. The Club recognises that you may wish to take photographs of your child whilst at the gym, for instance whilst competing. It is imperative that any photographs published to any social media platform must ensure that other children are fully anonymised.
  7. Do not attempt to engage with your child or their coach while training is in progress. This risks the health and safety of all gym users.
  8. Respect coaches, officials, administrators and volunteers. Without them, your child would not be able to participate.
  9. Remember that children participate in this sport for their benefit, not yours.
  10. In the case of absence, a message should be left with the gym prior to the commencement of the training session.
  11. Comments and feedback are welcomed. Any queries regarding your child’s session should be directed to your child’s coach in the first instance by arranging a mutually convenient time with reception in person, by email or by telephone (refer to point 7 above). If this is not possible, you should ask to speak with the relevant Head of Department.
  12. For any non-coaching related queries, we have Committee representatives for both boys and girls who can be approached for help or advice, they will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Please be aware that breach of any of these policies can result in termination of membership.



Complaints and Grievance Procedures


As a Club, Colchester School of Gymnastics is affiliated to British Gymnastics and is bound by the BG procedures for complaints, disciplinary issues and membership suspensions and expulsions.

  • Colchester School of Gymnastics places the welfare and safety of its members as the highest priority.
  • Any complaints should be directed to the relevant head of department and the contact details can be found by clicking here. If you feel that a complaint is not sufficiently resolved by a head of department it should then by forwarded to either our centre manager or chair person. Any welfare issues should be directed straight to our welfare officers, their details can be found by clicking here.
  • Matters will be dealt with confidentially and only those who need to know will be informed.
  • The British Gymnastics procedures for dealing with complaints will be followed and if an issue cannot be suitably addressed at club level the British Gymnastics procedures will be implemented.
  • A copy of the British Gymnastics Complaints Procedure and the Policy for Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults is available from the office or copies can be obtained from British Gymnastics.


Social Media Policy

  • We would kindly insist that inappropriate comments and/ or messages regarding the club, our staff or members are not posted on social media sites.
  • Any questions, complaints or comments should be directed straight to the club where they can be dealt with.

Please be aware that breach of any of these policies can result in termination of membership.



Colchester Competitive Gymnasts Code of Conduct

  • Gymnasts are encouraged to have good attendance to maximise their development. Gymnasts or Parents should inform their respective coach of any planned absence or holidays as soon as possible, to enable coaches to effectively plan their training session.
  • In the case of illness or absence, a message should be left with the gym, as soon as you area able and prior to the start of the training session.
  • Gymnasts with an injury may still attend training sessions and work around this injury to ensure their flexibility and strength is kept up. This would need to be planned with the guidance of a medical professional e.g. physio. Gymnasts are welcome to visit to see their friends while injured so that they don’t lose the social side of training. Please communicate with your child’s coach so that they can liaise on the best times to attend within a session.  
  • Please ensure that your child’s coach is present, or expected, before you leave.
  • Where possible gymnasts should try to arrive a few minutes before the start of training for preparation or to go to the toilet. Where possible all gymnasts should attend the warmup. It is an essential part of the training that helps the prevention of injury.

Colchester Gymnasts must:

  1. Show respect to coaches, judges, officials and other gymnasts. 
  2. Follow the instructions of his/her coach quickly and exactly. Support and encourage his/her teammates.
  3. Inform their coach if they are tired or under the weather so that the coach can plan the session accordingly.
  4. Aim to train to the best of their ability. 
  5. Take care of the Club’s equipment.
  6. Take pride in their Club and make sure that they do their part in keeping the gym clean.


Training/Competition (Females)

  • Gymnasts should wear a one-piece gymnastic leotard (not a swim suit or a dance suit with narrow shoulder straps). Tracksuits and/or t-shirts may be worn during the warm up period, but must be removed for the rest of the training session, as they constitute a danger to both the gymnast and the coach. Leggings or shorts may be worn during training.
  • Jewellery should not be worn. Exceptions and full details can be found by clicking the Jewellery policy tab.
  • Hair must be neatly tied up, out of the gymnast’s face.
  • A squad leotard must be worn for all competitions, purchased through the club.
  • Hand guards, wristbands and chalk are the gymnast’s responsibility; these can be purchased from the club.

Training/Competition (Males)

  • Gymnasts should wear shorts or leotard and shorts/ longs. If gymnasts choose to wear a t shirt this must be a tight fitting sports top for safety.
  • Jewellery should not be worn. Exceptions and full details can be found by clicking the Jewellery policy tab.
  • Hand guards, wristbands and chalk are the gymnast’s responsibility; these can be purchased from the club.
  • A squad leotard and shorts/ longs must be worn for all competitions, purchased through the club.


Code of Conduct for Coaches, Officials and Volunteers

The essence of good ethical conduct and practise is summarised below. All Club Coaches, Officials, and Volunteers must:

  • Consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Not coach above the level of your qualification that you have, unless under the supervision of a more senior coach. As a coach you should be aware of your own limitations.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age and experience of those taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills.
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing suitably and not using inappropriate language at any time whilst involved with club activities.
  • Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events.
  • Obtain prior agreement from parent or guardian of performers before transporting them anywhere eg. training or competitions.
  • Never have performers stay overnight at your home.
  • Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward.
  • Always report any accidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set out in the British Gymnastics Child Protection policy 2004.
  • Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.
  • Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the express approval of the individual concerned.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport e.g. fair play.
  • Encourage performers to value their performances and not just results.
  • Follow guidelines laid down by British Gymnastics and Colchester School of Gymnastics.
  • Jewellery should not be worn. For exceptions please click on the Jewellery policy tab.
  • If in doubt about a gymnastic skill, ask a senior coach.
  • Be punctual at all classes, training and competitions. Always phone in good time if you are going to be late/ absent.


Freestyle & Junior Freestyle Code of Conduct

  • You must not enter the gym until instructed to do so by a freestyle coach
  • Nobody is permitted to join in freestyle sessions unless a medical form has been completed
  • At the beginning of the session the coach in charge may restrict the use of certain equipment for safety reasons, any instruction of this nature must be adhered to.
  • Freestyle gymnasts’ are NOT permitted to manually support each other for skills. If you need help please ask a freestyle coach.
  • You must seek advice from a freestyle coach if you are attempting a new skill.
  • You must NOT attempt double somersaults without speaking to a lead coach first for advice and/ or supervision.
  • You must not alter/ adjust equipment- ask coaches to help you if you need any equipment altering.
  • Your behaviour in the gym must be of a suitable nature. This means no play fighting, wrestling or any other activity that is not freestyle gymnastics.
  • Inappropriate behaviour will trigger the yellow and red card system.
  • 10 minutes before the end of the session you will be asked to stop, cool down and pack away the equipment. Please do this immediately.
  • All food is to be consumed outside of the gym hall.
  • No jewellery is to be worn. For exceptions please see jewellery policy section of codes of conducts.
  • No shoes or footwear are to be worn during the session.
  • Long hair is to be tied back and secured.
  • No caps/ bandanas or other such items are to be worn during the session without the permission of the lead coach.
  • Suitable sports clothing must be worn at all times, such as shorts/ jogging bottoms and a t shirt/ jumper. No jeans are allowed. Please also avoid wearing clothing with buttons, buckles or zips as this can damage the equipment.
  • Any friends or family who wish to wait and watch are welcome to stay but must wait/ observe in the viewing areas
  • Use of mobile phones is not permitted within the gym. If you would like a photo/ video to be taken please ask a coach to do this for you.
  • Chewing gum is not permitted inside the gym.

Red and yellow card system Your behaviour during freestyle sessions MUST be of an acceptable standard. Any behaviour deemed unacceptable by the coach in charge will trigger the red and yellow card system. 1 Yellow card= Warning 2 Yellow cards= Red card and a 1 month ban 2 Red cards= Lifetime ban Yellow and Red cards will be issued at the coach in charge’s discretion. If your behaviour is deemed dangerous or sufficiently inappropriate, the coach in charge reserves the right to issue an immediate lifetime ban.


British Gymnastics Policy on Body Piercing and Adornments

British Gymnastics believes that jewellery and adornments worn in body piercing are inappropriate for safe practice in gymnastics and trampolining. This policy applies to all participants and coaches in training and in events at home and abroad.


A person participating with body adornments or jewellery MUST inform the coach and also remove the relevant items to reduce the risk of injury to the participant, the coach and others.


Whilst a coach is carrying out a spotting or gymnast supporting role; all jewellery must be removed. However if the coach is evaluating performance or giving instruction only; (by this we mean coaching whilst not in direct physical contact with the gymnast or gymnastic equipment), jewellery may be worn. Exceptions to the above policy may be applicable in special circumstances which are outlined below:

Jewellery that cannot be removed – It is acknowledged that in some circumstances, it may be impossible to remove a ring and/or dermal piercings. Should this be the case; the ring must be sufficiently covered with protective tape; and the piercings covered sufficiently in order to eliminate any risk.

Newly pierced ears – Newly pierced stud earrings need to be covered with protective tape but must be removed as soon as possible (normally after six-weeks). For the avoidance of doubt; any jewellery which can be removed, must be removed.

Religious and Medical jewellery – With regards to the wearing of jewellery; sensitivity to religious beliefs and medical requirements/reasons should be afforded, but safety is paramount and any jewellery that is considered by the coach to be a safety hazard, should be changed or participation may be prohibited. Any concessions on religious or medical jewellery must be within the bounds of reasonable safety. The element of risk should be explained to the coach/participant (parent or guardian) and every attempt to control the risk should be adopted. Examples include the following:

Diabetes Bracelet – can be worn; but whilst participation is taking place a sweatband or similar must cover the item in order to eliminate any risk. The coach in charge must also be advised that a participant is wearing the bracelet for medical emergency reasons.

Kara Sahib – Bracelet worn in the Sikh religion; can be worn, but whilst participation is taking place a sweatband or similar must cover the item; in order to eliminate any risk.

Allah ring – Worn by the Muslim religion; this must be sufficiently covered with protective tape in order to eliminate any risk. NB: if a sweatband is used to cover up an item of jewellery when doing vigorous activity, the sweatband should be taped in place to minimise the risk of the sweatband slipping and exposing the item of jewellery.

In all instances above; it is the responsibility of the coach in charge of the session to ensure a sufficient risk assessment has been carried out. If the coach identifies a significant risk to the participant, coach or others, which cannot be controlled satisfactorily, then within the bounds of reasonable safety, the coach MUST prohibit participation. Legitimate health and safety concerns which contra-indicate participation, will supersede any other considerations, be they religious, medical or other. Failure to conform will prohibit the individual’s participation on the grounds of reasonable safety and may render the individual’s insurance invalid should an accident result directly from non-compliance.